Our goal is to satisfy your MIKROTEMptations in coagulation analyzers. Timely diagnosis of coagulation disorders is critically important in heavy bleeding victims of traffic / work related accidents and patients of organ transplant which result in over 5 million preventable deaths annually.
MIKRONOS Biomedical, which has been established in 2019 with ₺200.000 support from TUBITAK BIGG program, is developing innovative coagulation measurement technologies to save lives of patients with serious coagulation disorders.
Global coagulation tests market has reached over 1.5 billion dollars. Our target users in Turkey include over 100 public and university laboratories, 1500 hospitals and 5000 ambulance services.

MIKROTEM is a microfluidic based coagulation analyzer that will increase the odds of survival in heavy bleeding patients significantly.
MIKROTEM analyzes the level / development of coagulation automatically and determines potential issues much faster which enables timely intervention by medical personnel.
MIKROTEM comes with an artificial intelligence assisted software and offers real-time measurement capability, high sensitivity, portability and the capability of performing multiple tests on a minute blood sample volume on a cartridge at a lower cost.
MIKROTEM will fulfill the strong need in the global and Turkish health sector for a coagulation analyzer that can be easily used by nurses / doctors in both operation rooms and ambulances.
Patent and Publications
MİKROTEM system is based on a patent pending microfluidics technique which can directly measure the clot strength /stiffness by analyzing the deformation of elastic microstructures in microchannels and provide coagulation curves.
Full evaluation of coagulation enables testing all the pathways from the beginning of clot formation to the fibrinolysis and determination of parameters such as clot formation time, clot tensile strength, maximum strength of the clot and elasticity.

Technological validation has been performed via SBAG-project 115S120 supported by TUBITAK 1003 program with a ₺750.000 grant in 2015. An international patent application, PCT/ TR2018/050405, has been made.
Our Team
Our team is comprised of experts in the fields of blood analysis and microfluidics with over 70 years of combined expertise. We developed MIKROTEM in the laboratories of KOÇ University and İTÜ while being supported by TÜBITAK grants and BIGG capital support program.

Ahmet C. Erten
Dr. Lecturer, Istanbul Technical University, Electronics and Communication Engineering Department

Özlem Yalçın
Professor Dr., KOÇ University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physiology

Mustafa Çetiner
Scientific Consultant
Professor Dr., Acibadem University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Hematology

Hasan Yüksel
Innovation Consultant
Dr., Innovation and Business Development Consulting

Saeed Sarbaz
Software Development Engineer

Reza Sadeghi
Hardware Development Engineer

Elif Uğurel
Biomedical Engineer
News and Awards
MIKRONOS is awarded a 1-year membership in the ITU early-stage Incubation Center (₺78.000 in value). MIKRONOS will be able to use ITU as the company’s business address and benefit from the opportunities offered as one of the privileged participants of the incubation program.
MIKRONOS was awarded one of the three prizes given by ISO as part of the ITU Çekirdek Big Bang Event. MIKRONOS co-founder Özlem Yalçın accepted the ₺50.000 cash award during the prize ceremony from ISO Board member Sultan Tepe.

The Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme (LIF) brings together the emerging leaders in the global innovation community, providing them with access to high-quality skills training focused on commercialization, a network of peers in their own country, the UK and around the world, and a rich and varied experience with immediate and long-term benefits for their innovations.
MIKRONOS Co-founder Ahmet Erten has completed the programme successfully and taken the first place in the final pitch season.
MIKRONOS was also one of the 27 finalists in the 2020 Newton Prize competition which was aiming to foster research collaborations between British institutions and innovators in Egypt, Jordan, Kenya, South Africa and Turkey.
MIKRONOS participated in Hit, a venture development program in selected vertical technology markets. The program contributes to new ventures secure their first market/customer. The first vertical of the program started with the health sector.
The demo day of TTGV 250K customer and business development program for health technologies took place in UNIQ Hall / Istanbul on 12 December 2019. 15 companies who completed HIT program participated the demo day and presented their system demonstration level technologies.
MIKRONOS was one of the 5 companies selected as a result of the jury evaluations to receive ₺50,000 cash award.

İTÜ Teknokent Alanı
Reşitpaşa, 34467 Sarıyer/İstanbul

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